Pocket Prefilter

Specialists in non-standard dimensions
The right choice for high levels of coarse dust.
- Progressive fibre structure
- Shatterproof synthetic fibres
- Single-welded continuous pockets
- Self-supporting pockets
- Optimal distribution of incoming flow
- Available in biostatic version
- ISO COARSE to ePM10 Eurovent certified
ISO Coarse 50% (G3) x200
ISO Coarse 50% (G3) x300
ISO Coarse 50% (G3) x360
ISO Coarse 50% (G3) x500
ISO Coarse 50% (G3) x600
ISO Coarse 60% (G4) x200
ISO Coarse 60% (G4) x300
ISO Coarse 60% (G4) x360
ISO Coarse 60% (G4) x500
ISO Coarse 60% (G4) x600
ISO Coarse 70% (M5) x200
ISO Coarse 70% (M5) x300
ISO Coarse 70% (M5) x360
ISO Coarse 70% (M5) x500
ISO Coarse 70% (M5) x600
ISO ePM10 50% (M5) x360
ISO ePM10 50% (M5) x500
ISO ePM10 50% (M5) x600